Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) Center
Free. Safe. Confidential. Crisis Line 810.238.SAFE.
Located at the YWCA, the SAFE Center offers free rape kit examinations 24 hours/day and 7 days/week to male, female and gender non-conforming survivors of sexual assault.
With patient consent, evidence is collected and documented by specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE's) in a safe and supportive environment. Advocates are available to offer support, information and connection to additional resources. They will take the time to clearly explain the victim’s rights and responsibilities and the choices available to them.
Receiving immediate medical attention after a sexual assault is critically important to determine if there are injuries that need to be treated or to address and receive treatment for the possibility of pregnancy and contracting sexually transmissible infections (STIs). All of these services are available to survivors of sexual assault within SAFE Center.
SAFE Center Offers:
a 90-minute response time for all survivors.
consistent quality of care for all survivors of sexual assault across Genesee County.
an exam conducted by a specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) that has an expertise in evidence collection, informed consent and client-centered crisis intervention for adults and children.
the choice to file a police report, or not.
quality evidence collection to support investigations and prosecutions for sexual assault cases in Genesee County.
immediate access to services including victim advocacy and crisis intervention, intake assessment for the SafeHouse emergency shelter, and access to other necessary resources.