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Connect with an Advocate
27/7 Crisis line 810.238.SAFE (7233)

YWCA Advocates are available on-call 24 hours/day and 7 days/week to assist survivors throughout the continuum of the crisis – starting with the most basic needs for housing, clothing, food, toiletries, children’s supplies and safety. They assist with obtaining Personal Protection Orders (PPO)  as well as accompanying a victim to court.  Advocates respond to the victim’s concerns in a confidential manner without interfering with medical, investigative or court processes. They will take the time to clearly explain the victim’s rights and responsibilities and the choices available to them.


Advocates use a trauma informed approach in their work to create a safe, supportive and nonjudgmental environment so help victims of domestic violence or sexual assault begin to rebuild trust, to develop a sense of security, and to reduce feelings of isolation and self-blame.  Our trauma informed approach is based on the following concepts:


  • Safety - ensure that survivors feel emotionally and physically safe.

  • Choice - providing the opportunity for survivors to be given choices regarding not only participating in supportive services, but how they may want to participate.

  • Collaboration - the survivor plays a role in determining what services are appropriate for them.

  • Trustworthiness - advocates, interns, volunteers, will always demonstrate professional boundaries and the survivor understands what is expected of them.

  • Empowerment - assure the survivor’s feelings and concerns are validated.


​​Advocacy and crisis intervention services are designed to help survivors identify and access the necessary tools to empower themselves to increase their safety and lead lives free from violence.  

801 S. Saginaw St.

Flint, MI, 48502

Main Line:  810.238.7621

HELP Line:  810.238.7233

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